Our Reed Diffusers are home fragrance products that allow aroma to continuously diffuse into the air throughout an entire room or area.

    While they come in a variety of different shapes and sizes, all our reed diffusers have 3 main components:

    1. Fragrance oil: A luxurious mixture of oils and a base solution.
    2. Reed sticks: They soak up the oil and disperse the scent
    3. Vessel which comes in the form of a glass bottle that holds the oil and reeds

    The aromatic fragrance oil, which often contains a blend of various essential oils, is placed inside the glass vessel of the reed diffuser. 

    Reed sticks, traditionally made from natural rattan reeds, are also placed into the vessel so that one end is submerged in the fragrance oil while the other end is exposed to the air. The reeds contain small pores that allow the fragrance oil to be absorbed and travel towards the top half of the stick. 

    As the oil reaches the part of the reed that’s outside of the bottle, it evaporates and releases the scent molecules into the air. 

    As a result, reed diffusers provide a constant, fresh scent


    1. Before you set up your diffuser, place a few paper towels underneath the glass vessel in case of spills. Avoid doing this over wooden or delicate surfaces because the oil may leave stains. 
    2. Place your reeds into the vessel so that the bottom of the sticks are submerged in the fragrance oil.
    3. Give your reeds a few minutes to absorb the oil, then carefully flip them so that the dry end of the stick is in the bottle and the saturated end is in the air.
    4. Spread your reeds out as much as possible to let air circulate between them. Allow up to 24 hours for the fragrance to fully diffuse.
    5. Flip the reeds periodically (around once a week) to keep the scent strong.

    After setting it up, your reed diffuser will typically last between 1 to 2 months

    Whenever you want a burst of fragrance, flip the reed sticks. Do this carefully one by one to avoid letting the fragrance oil drip out. We don’t recommend doing this too often though — at most once every 2 to 3 days — because it will cause your oil to evaporate faster. 

    If you feel that the scent is too light, you can also add more reeds to your diffuser. Our reed diffusers come with 8-10 high absorbency rattan reeds. This is usually more than enough for most situations, but you can purchase additional rattan reed diffuser sticks if needed.


    When using a reed diffuser, it’s important to consider the size of the room it’s in and where to place it. Popular places to use reed diffusers include:

    • Bathrooms
    • Foyers and entryways
    • Kitchens 
    • Bedrooms
    • Offices

    For smaller rooms and areas like bathrooms and foyers, a small reed diffuser with 6 to 8 reeds is usually sufficient to provide a nice, subtle fragrance. For more spacious areas, you may need additional diffusers to fill up the entire space.

    As to where in the room to place it, choose an area with good air circulation but not next to air conditioners, windows, or corners. A neat tip is to think of your diffuser as a vase of flowers. Place it somewhere that people tend to walk by, so that they get a nice whiff of fragrance each time.

    Lastly, place your reed diffuser in a cool, shady location. This won’t affect the fragrance, but keeping the bottle at a lower temperature and out of direct sunlight will help it last longer. 

    Our rattan reeds can last as long as the diffuser, but after the first month you might notice the scent starting to fade. That’s because dust and other impurities can start to clog up the reed over time, which hinders the fragrance oil from diffusing properly. 

    For best results, we recommend switching out your diffuser reeds once the diffuser stops diffusing properly.


    Our Linen spray is a liquid supplied in a spray bottle so that a fine mist of the product can be sprayed over linens, towels, soft furnishings, clothes and carpets. It is used to freshen linens and soft furnishings between washes, or it is sprayed onto fabrics while ironing to provide a pleasing and/or therapeutic scent.

  • Bed Linens

    Linen spray can be used on sheets and pillows to impart a fresh, fragrant scent between washes. Linen sprays containing essential oils can be used in the bedroom in this manner before retiring, with various aromatherapy benefits. The fragrances of different essential oils can have a calming, soothing or sensual effect.

  • Soft Furnishings

    Soft furnishings and carpets can be spritzed with linen spray to freshen them and provide a pleasing fragrance in the room. Linen spray is particularly useful for furnishings and cushions that cannot be removed for cleaning, or those that are not cleaned very often. 

  • Clothing

    Linen spray can be spritzed on clothing during ironing to give a gentle and lasting perfume to your clothes. Clothes that are not dirty but have been worn in a smoky atmosphere can be refreshed by spritzing them with linen spray and hanging them outside. This also works to refresh clothes that have to be dry-cleaned or hand washed, allowing more time between washes.

  • Air Freshener

    Linen spray can be used in the same way as an air freshener by simply spraying into the air to give a pleasant fragrance to the whole room. This is useful when guests are visiting at short notice and you don't have time to thoroughly clean and air out your rooms.

  • Travel

    When traveling, linen spray can be used on hotel bedding to give a pleasant scent. This can be helpful for those who find it difficult to sleep in a strange bed as it provides a sensual reminder of home. If you are given a smoking room, linen spray can help masque the unpleasant smell when sprayed on the curtains, carpets and into the air.